New K-12 Learning Standards Launch Washington Classrooms into the Digital Age
May 21, 18
OLYMPIA—May 18, 2018—Today’s students are “digital natives,” and need to be prepared to thrive in the ever-growing technology-powered world. Communicating digitally, understanding computer applications, and using online research tools are examples of skills that students apply daily and need to know for success in the future.
To ensure all students are ready and empowered to learn, Superintendent of Public Instruction Chris Reykdal formally adopted the new educational technology learning standards today at Skyview High School in Vancouver, Washington (Vancouver Public Schools). Teachers at Skyview already incorporate many of these standards into classes and programs.
The standards aim to have every student graduate as a/an:
- Empowered learner
- Digital citizen
- Knowledge constructor
- Innovative designer
- Computational thinker
- Creative communicator
- Global communicator
“Transforming education for the digital age means thinking critically about how we learn and teach,” Reykdal said. “These educational technology standards empower our state’s innovative educators and administrators to re-imagine their schools and classrooms for today’s digital landscape and inspire students to become digital citizens and computational thinkers.”
To learn more, read the full article on the OSPI site.