WSIPC RFP 21-01 contract for computer software, licenses and services. 

The following categories are adequately handled by other contracts and are therefore excluded from this RFP:

  • Microsoft Products
    • Microsoft Education Select, Microsoft School Agreement, Microsoft EES (Education Enrollment Solutions), Microsoft Azure, Microsoft O365, Microsoft “Other” Education Licensing Programs
  • Skyward, Inc. Products
    • SIS, ERP, Grading and Special Education software solutions
  • Public Consulting Group, Inc. (“PCG”) Products
    • Special Education software solutions

RFP 21-01 Bid Documents   

WSIPC RFP 21-01 Public Notice  
RFP 21-01 Computer Software, Licenses and Services 

21-01 Addendum 1 - Q&A  
21-01 Addendum 2 - Q&A
21-01 Addendum 3 - Q&A

21-01 Addendum 4 - Q&A 
21-01 Addendum 5 (to Section 2.7) Request for Submittal Instructions 
21-01 Affidavit of Publication - Idaho Statesman
21-01 Affidavit of Publication - Salt Lake Tribune
21-01 Affidavit of Publication - The Daily Journal of Commerce - Seattle
21-01 Affidavit of Publication - The Daily Journal of Commerce - Oregon
21-01 Affidavit of Publication - Everett Daily Herald  

Please send requests for additional Bid Documentation to the Contract Administrator at