With the proliferation of internet-connected devices and digital learning resources, it is imperative for educators to implement robust online safety measures to protect students from online threats such as cyberbullying, inappropriate content, and malicious websites.

Hardware and software solutions should offer comprehensive features and functionalities tailored to the unique needs of education and empower educators, and administrators to monitor, manage, and safeguard students' online, classroom, and school activities effectively.

The objective of RFP 24-01 Student Safety Solutions is to identify qualified proposers who can demonstrate organizational, functional, and technical capabilities, as well as experience and qualifications necessary to provide and implement comprehensive cutting-edge safety solutions that are credible, and fully aligned with industry standards and best practices for educational entities and public agency customers.

RFP 24-01 Bid Documents

WSIPC RFP 24-01 Public Notice (PDF)
WSIPC RFP 24-01 Student Safety Solutions
RFP 24-01 Appendix A - Intent to Participate
(Word Doc Download)
RFP 24-01 Appendix B - Proposal Form
(Word Doc Download)
RFP 24-01 Appendix C - Vendor Capabilities
(Word Doc Download)
RFP 24-01 Appendix D - Product Service Requirements
(Word Doc Download)
RFP 24-01 Appendix E - Vendor Cost Proposal
(Word Doc Download)
RFP 24-01 Appendix E - Vendor Cost Proposal Pricing Form
(Excel Doc Download)
RFP 24-01 Purchasing Bid Contract
- sample for reference (PDF)